Sunday, 16 December 2012

Things Are Changing 7/6/11

Don't refuse to go on an occasional wild goose chase - that's what wild geese are for.  ~Author Unknown

My life is changing, I am learning and growing, I am exceptionally happy today! Things are good. It is like the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place little by little. It is a puzzle I thought I had finished but I have realized it will never be done. It is a continuous work in progress.

I sit back in awe as I realize how quickly life changes. The things that you anticipate and build up in your mind happen and are done. To look back and realize that they were just another step towards a future that is full of surprise and opportunity is inspiring. I look at how my life has already changed and while the changes are not currently life altering, they are enough of a change to make me think wow, this is a totally different puzzle today than it was yesterday! I am not the same person I was this morning and tomorrow I will not be the same person I was today. I have grown, I have changed. Things are good!

I finally have all the documents needed for our separation and an appointment with the lawyer to sign off on them is booked. My ex is meeting his lawyer soon after to sign off on his portion. After that, the divorce documents will be drawn up and I wait. Things are happening fast but it is no longer scary; it is interesting and intriguing. I see this as a door opening up to my future. I am no longer nervously looking at the door in fear and panic. I am running towards it and am ready to jump over the threshold and landwith both feet firmly planted in my future. I know that what is on the other side of the door may contain more heartache but it may also hold joy which is amazing! I know it will hold disappointments but also successes - it will hold hopes and dreams and I am so excited.

Today I am thankful for all the people in my life who helped get me to this point. My family was also hurt by what happened but is always my rock  and also my soft place to fall. My friends, some who have been through the same stuff and others who have played the devil's advocate, have always been willing to give me a shoulder and lend me an ear. And my co-workers who were unwavering in their support - I am so fortunate to have landed among an amazing, diverse group of women who have been so supportive since day 1. I will take from every person who comes into my life, a lesson, whether it is positive or negative, and I hope I leave them with something as well, preferably someting positive!

Days like today make me realize how important it is to live each day to the fullest and to take risks because in the end, that risk may prove to be something really positive, maybe life changing. Even if that doesn't happen, you are no worse off and at least you can look back and say you tried. Each moment has the potential to be something amazing. Look for the positive and embrace it!

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