The antidote for fifty enemies is one friend. ~Aristotle
Wow, I have been so supported in this journey! I was thrown for a loop yesterday when I had to deal with some negativity and decided to make my blog private. This made me sad because I always hoped that someone may be able to take something from it... some strength, some courage, some happiness.... some hope.
I know that I have the support of my incredibly amazing family. They have been unwavering in their help, love and kindness. I would not be as strong and as free as I am without them! My friends, some of whom I have not talked to at any great length in years, have also been amazing! Some of them are old friends, some are new but all have been willing to laugh, cry and yell with me. They have helped me maintain my sanity, unleash a lot of anger, and have picked me up when I have been down.
The odd, but really awesome part of this whole journey has been the strangers. Maybe it is a code, between honest, good women but the support from strangers has been incredible. A woman from down the street stopped me to say that I was super mom. She said she had seen me around and was always impressed. Of course, in talking I happened to mention what had happened between my neighbor and my ex. This woman, who I have never met, threw her arms around me and told me I was amazing. Kinda cool, people are good, we only ever hear about the bad ones! She is not the first stranger to offer a hug and for someone who has hated hugs as much as I have, it is amazing how much they do not bug me. They are so full of genuine support that I welcome them each and every time!
Then the emails... I have gotten a few emails of support from people I do not know, telling me my journey has been an inspiration. People who read my blog, when their world seems upside down, have actually found a little bit of hope. I have gotten emails from both friends and strangers saying that I should keep my blog public. I had no idea that my blog had had an impact on anyone other than myself. I know what it has done for me but I always wondered if I was reaching anyone who needed a boost. I am proud to say that my goal has been achieved. I have reached at least one other person.
So I will keep this blog up, open, for all to read. I will keep it there for people to read and take from it what they will. What I will not do is let the petty, underhanded, and cruel people from my past sway me from my path. I will not let the negatives take away from the positives I have found in this journey. Instead of focusing on those that aim to hurt, I will draw strength from those that lift me and soar with me. I am not looking back.... I refuse to!
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